Masjid Al Tawhid will provide Iftar but we will not provide suhoor, please make your own arrangements for suhoor
Please bring your own sleeping bag and pillow
Please upload the following proof of identification and bring it to the office when you make payment.
Passport/Driving license
Proof of Address (Recent bank letter or Utility Bill)
I will act and behave in accordance to Islamic manners and etiquettes
I will not disturb others in any way or form
I will respect Masjid & Madrasah Al Tawhid’s Property and will not damage anything in anyway
I will respect Masjid & Madrasa Al Tawhid’s Policies and Procedures
I will be co-operative with Masjid & Madrasah Al Tawhid’s Staff and Volunteers
I will pay the £75 Fee before the start of I’tikaaf at the Masjid reception
If I use any equipment which belongs to Masjid & Madrasah Al Tawhid, I will return it as I found it.
Masjid reserves a right to expel anyone from itikaaf at Masjid if Management decides they are unfit to remain in Masjid for any person,
I agree to abide by the terms & conditions above and the attached I’tikaaf Guidelines if my application is accepted